What web browsers does Kinesto support?

Updated: Sat, Jan 28th, 2017 @ 3:39pm
We support the following web browsers:
  • Internet Explorer 10+
  • Microsoft Edge 23+
  • Google Chrome 40+
  • Safari 7+
  • Firefox 36.0+

Typically we support the latest two versions of each browser. Updating to the latest version will often resolve any browser-specific issues, and thus we highly recommend ensuring your web browser is up to date.

Mobile browsing

We support the same browsers listed above on mobile devices.  

Still seeing an error when using a supported browser?

This can happen in Internet Explorer when your browser is forced to work in an older browser mode. To solve this, there are two options. One is to reset your browser settings to default. You can keep your personal data - only the settings should be reset.

Or, you can remove www.kinesto.com from your compatibility view settings to ensure that Kinesto is running in IE11.
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Tags: Troubleshooting