How do I import contacts or companies into Kinesto?

Updated: Sat, Jan 28th, 2017 @ 1:23pm
Kinesto allows you to quickly import CRM contacts or companies using our Import Data tool and supports multiple file formats including Excel XLS/XLSX, CSV (comma separated values and many other formats.
  1. Select the file you would like to upload
  2. Click Submit
  3. The file will be analyzed and a list of available columns will be displayed
  4. Select the starting row where your data is located. This allows you to establish a legend for your data to help organize your import.
  5. You can select the default Tool that should be used for the import. Select CRM Contacts, CRM Companies or another tool.
  6. For each available column you will see the column name and the data from the first row of the document. You can select the tool and field to import to.
    1. You can also Add New Assignments to import one row into multiple tools if applicable.
  7. Click Submit to process the file and import the data to the defined fields.
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Tags: Companies, Contacts, CRM, CRM (Customer Relationship Management), File Import, File size, File type, Import Data